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About The Work

In the last few years, it has become possible for anyone to daydream freely while floating in space. The private sectors of this world are rapidly ensuring that humanity will one day commonly work, research and most impor- tantly, play in space. And yet, in this lifetime, due to the resources and cost of space travel, the vast majority of us will never experience the wonder of zero gravity. Most of us will only be able to imagine and see proxies of what it must feel like to lazily and without purpose float in space, as we did as children looking up at the endless stars. To that end, the robotic work Telemetry is intended to assist the imaginations of the Earth bound, giving them some agency in which to marvel at the frontier. The system will be designed to let us playback the recorded pitch, yaw and roll information of a weightless object, perhaps captured for us by a carefree astro- naut as they twirl the object around during their holiday in orbit.

20”x20”x20” - Electronics, acrylic paint, polylactide